Sunday, September 21, 2014

One in the same

As the night falls
My body move
The desire for hands
Spins, dips, and twirls
A want to be held close
For the passion to spill into movement
The dance floor a stage
A place for my emotions to spill into your hands
A moment where I can place complete trust in you
A lifetime of wishes and dreams answered
The time in your arms wrap around
Securely assuring
Knowing if I fell apart
you'd be there to help me find the pieces
Knowing that your breath on my neck, a promise
Those hands on my waist, protective
That kiss on my mouth, no deception
My heart beats speed up
as I take the fall into your arms
Knowing that I'm safe
My heart rate matching yours
Trying to be in sync with you
My hand reaches up
Touching that which I love
Lovingly holding that which I long for
I feel you lead
I follow
Because I know
No matter where you take me,
As long as you're there,
I'll be safe
Because I can trust my broken pieces in your hands.
I know that you're meant to be here,
For is the only thing that feels right
That night where we're dancing
For that night we can be one in the same